“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” - Desmond Tutu

Sunday, April 28, 2013

WSA conference, or my disillusions with second-wave feminism.

[Edit: I was pretty pissed off when I wrote this and I'm not necessarily proud of everything I wrote. Please read this post in the context of my later post here]

I’ve just spent the weekend at the Women’s Studies Association of NZ conference. It was interesting, to say the least! Lots of really amazing, inspiring people doing really cool things (hopefully, the subject of a future post). But the overall direction of the organisation has left me profoundly uncomfortable.

I was absolutely shocked to learn on Saturday that only women were allowed to attend the conference. I’d read something about only women being allowed to present, which seemed kinda archaic in itself, but the ban on other genders attending the conference seemed beyond ridiculous.

I learnt about it in the context of someone I’d just met telling me that she’d signed her boyfriend up without even thinking about it, only to be told he couldn’t attend. The reaction from many of us was simply… Wtf.

I do appreciate the need for women’s spaces. I do enjoy being in women’s only spaces, and the reprieve it gives us from the patriarchal world we have to deal with everywhere else. And I absolutely appreciate the historical context of the organisation, and the second wave feminism that it grew out of. It has achieved a lot, and I respect that.

But things have moved on, and this was evidenced by the fact that I was one of a handful of people under 30, and that 2/3 or so of attendees had grey hair. The organisation has been struggling to get people in its leadership positions for the last 10 years, and wants the younger generation to take up the mantle.

Yet, it refuses to listen. It wants the next generation to take over, but only on the older generation's terms.

I went to the AGM today (which was part of the conference) out of curiosity more than anything else. There’d been a lot of talk on this issue, and I wanted to see what eventuated.

After all the usual boring AGM-y stuff, a motion was moved to allow “men” to contribute articles to the WSA journal.

Men. Yes. Not people, but men.

Problematic on two levels, right? One, why the fuck could men not contribute already, and two, what about all the frikkin people who don’t identify as men or women? Why on earth would a feminist organisation exclude the already marginalised even more?

We have to stop believing in this ridiculously essentialist gender binary (and of course, that All Men Are Evil) and start to acknowledge that like, a) other genders exist, and are marginalised not just by the patriarchy but also by feminists, and b) that men are not the fucking problem, patriarchy is, and there are plenty of amazing guys (and PEOPLE) doing amazing work in this field that have a lot to contribute, and to ignore and exclude them is just… silly.

So anyway, discussion on this motion quickly turned into discussion on inclusion of men and other genders at the conferences and in the Association in general. Because they are exactly the same issue. But because this discussion about the future of the Association was the next item on the agenda, the discussion was not taken seriously, and then of course we ran out of time.

It went something like this.

One of the older feminists would talk for ages.

A friend of mine bravely pointed out the idiocy of excluding other genders.

More second-wave rant.

I started speaking about how I was absolutely shocked about the exclusion of men, and other genders, at the conference, and was interrupted by the chair because my point was not relevant to the discussion at hand. I responded that I was just talking from my experience, because I didn’t know anything about the journal, and it’s the same fucking issue anyway.

And that if you want young feminists to get involved, you have to start taking their views seriously, and not excluding huge sections of the population. And that I wasn’t a member, and didn’t intend to be, until they stopped being so bloody exclusive.

Then another older woman, who was “sitting on the fence” (and someone I quite admire, in other contexts) talked on and on for like 10 minutes (and really, not all of it was entirely relevant to the conversation) – with no interruption from the chair.

Then another friend made pretty much the same points as I did, and was interrupted after about a minute, being told she had to wrap up. She very bravely said “no, let me finish” and did so with the powerful statement that men are not the problem, patriarchy is. (duh)

It was suggested by someone that there could be some kind of compromise, with conferences open to all genders with some workshops/sessions just for women. Probably a fair enough solution, and it would have been nice to discuss it more.

Then the motion was passed on the men being able to write journal articles thing. If I’d been a member (and therefore able to vote) I probably would have abstained. Fucking ridiculous that they couldn’t just change men to “people”, and therefore include everyone (which was probably the intention, but their refusal to see gender in anything other than binary meant they didn’t get that it was still not inclusive).

Then there was only 10 minutes left, so no time for the actually important conversation on “where to”/”how do we get young people involved”, due to the chair’s refusal to regard that as the real issue at hand.

It was suggested that we come back together after the last panel to continue the discussion and I (and many others) thought this was decided on.

Lunch happened, and lots of interesting conversations about this issue. I do have to point out that some of the older women expressed their support for what we were saying, which was really good.

And then, after the last panel (of young feminists, interestingly), thanks and goodbyes were said, and that was it.

We were all like, wtf, what just happened. Apparently it was because some people had to leave. But we were really surprised, because it had seemed like the additional discussion was gonna happen, and we’d been preparing what to say.

I am really appalled and upset by this whole thing. I was truly shocked that men and other gender identities were excluded in the first place, and even more shocked by the discussion that happened at the AGM and the way that we were silenced and marginalised, if not by the majority of people there then certainly by the most vocal.

And that was only those of us who didn’t feel isolated/marginalised/disillusioned enough that we actually went to this conference.

As I said to one of the organisers, not only should they be listening to those of us who were speaking up; but they really need to be engaging with the people who WEREN’T there, and find out why and what they need to change in order to make it an open, inclusive and accessible space.

I was further offended by the suggestion that I should become a member in order to engage in further discussion on this issue. My response was that I’m not going to join an organisation that I fundamentally disagree with, and if they really want new people to join, they are the ones that have to go out and engage, and make it a space that people want to be part of.

And all this without even touching on the issues of race and class, which were also sorely lacking from the conference in general. It was overwhelmingly white, middle class and academic. It comes as no surprise that their continue to be negative stereotypes of feminists when they are so far out of touch with society.

And I sincerely hope this changes. Like I said, I truly respect the work of second-wave feminists. It would be a shame for the organisation to be disbanded, after all the hard work that these women have dedicated their lives to. And of course, there is a lot left to do, as we still live in a deeply patriarchal society. Better to build on these imperfect foundations than to start again from scratch.

Hopefully a blog on the more positive aspects of the weekend (there were plenty!) coming soon.

[UPDATE:] On further reflection, I realise there is a huge difference between including gender minorities such as trans*, intersex and genderqueer, and including cis-men. These are different issues, but both need to be addressed - for different reasons.

Gender minorities need to be included because they are also oppressed by the patriarchy, often more than women, and it is shocking that this is even still something that needs discussing. It should be a given. Even if there is no intent to exclude them (and I am not sure whether or not this is the case), it needs to be absolutely explicit that they are welcome in feminist spaces, and steps need to be taken to show they are actually welcome. Allowing "men" to contribute to the journal was a step in the wrong direction for this.

The discussion about inclusion of cis-men is more complicated, as they are often seen as the "problem", being the ones in the position of privilege and power. There is a desire to exclude them because women often feel excluded in men's spaces, and can feel unsafe when they are men around. Which is fair enough.

But at the same time, in any movement it is necessary to have allies, and especially to have allies in positions of power. There was plenty of talk from the younger feminists about (cis) guys who know as much about feminism than they do, and who can be really strong role models to younger guys about what sexism is, and what appropriate behaviour is.

As long as they acknowledge their own privilege (which the guys who are genuinely engaged with feminism do), guys like this would have a lot to offer, and a lot to learn, from this kind of conference. They would be able to spread their knowledge of feminism to their own, male communities, to start a dialogue and encourage understanding. Which, surely, is what we want, right?

Of course, both of these are about rejecting gender binary as a social construct, so in that sense they do have a lot in common. But I think it might be helpful to realise these different reasons for inclusion when we have these discussions.


  1. Hey,
    We probably talked whilst at the conference. Just wanted to say thanks for posting and so articulately reflecting some of your thoughts (similar to my own) about the conference. I noticed you didn't write about the young feminist panel much and I think I know why! I believe forging a way forward is possible, despite this really mixed feeling at the weekend - but it will take a lot more than one AGM to create space for it. Here's hoping there's space for more critical discussion. I hope you consider submitting this as a reflexive piece to the Journal.
    Amelia x

    1. Hey Amelia

      Yes we did meet at the conference! I just have a pseudonym on here to be slightly anonymous. But I'll try to find you on FB and then we can connect! :)

      Thanks so much for your comments! Really appreciate it. I've only just re-read this post now and on reflection I do think its a wee bit harsh - I wrote it when I was in a really angry, frustrated and over-tired mood. Hence all the swearing, which is NOT my usual style! I think I will have to write a follow up post articulating a slightly calmer perspective! But the more I think about this the more I realise how intensely complicated it is.

      TBH the main reason I didn't talk about the young feminists panel was that this was already really long and ranty and I thought that brought up a whole bunch of other complicated issues and I couldn't talk about everything at once or my brain would explode! hah.

      I think it is necessary to find a way forward, you're right about that. I was tempted to give up on this entirely, but then I realised that a) other feminist organisations are all having similar issues (maybe not quite so extremely) and b) the academic environment still sucks. Today in my International Political Economy class we had a token lecture on gender, and the author that the lecturer drew on for most of it was a man. I found that incredibly upsetting... and it made me realise how fucked up university still is.

      Anyway I should stop ranting. Thanks again for your comments, and it was really lovely to meet you in the weekend. :)
