“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” - Desmond Tutu

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Uni week 2: brief observations on feminism and sexism.

Two things which I feel the need to share.

The first, I heard from a friend. A guy from Westlaw giving a seminar on how to use the database. Asks the class “I need something to search. Can one of the girls in the room tell me how to spell dishes?”

I don’t think I need to go into why this is sexist. Fortunately, from what I heard, no-one in the class found it particularly funny either. Which is good.

Apparently he also made comments about women being responsible for marriage break-ups.

To make matters worse, he made exactly the same “joke” to another seminar, on a different day. This means it was entirely planned and pre-determined. And even despite the cold reception, he obviously still thought it was hilarious.

My friend is going to raise it with the lecturer – will be very interesting to see what response he gets.


On the bright side though, one of my (male) lecturers apologised for the use of gendered language when reading a bit from a case about “reasonable man”.  That kinda made my day a little bit. He also uses “she” sometimes when talking about people in the abstract, which is pretty cool.

Conclusion? Overt sexism still exists at law school to some extent; although it seems to be way less accepted than overt racism (see my post on the subject). More subtle sexist attitudes are much more complicated, and will hopefully be the subject of a future blog.

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